what we can do for you
At ChipTimer we believe in a modular approach to servicing the Race Organizer. We are able to provide just the services you need, or a complete holistic package of services. Not only do we focus on making the race a success, but we also strive to add value-added services that will improve the overall image and status of the event. Please read about our services below and feel free to contact us should you need more information.
event timing

Timing of your sporting event is an important factor. Competitors have the need to evaluate themselves after the race and set goals based on a previous event. When event timing is executed in a professional manner competitors tend to associate the event with a higher level of professionalism.
online registrations
Online Registrations have become a vital ingredient to ensure a smooth transition between the registration process, timing of the event and publishing of the results. Make use of our easy-to-use event entry site at www.evententry.co.za.

race packs

We offer race packs that consists of an envelope with the competitor registration details and collection items. The envelope make it easy to complete the collection process with the competitor simply collecting an envelope. This process also results in less staff being used during the collection process.
online results
After completion of the event it is vital that race results are posted online as soon as possible. This will ensure that competitors can view their results at their leisure and provide positive feedback about their experiences of the race before they start focusing on the week ahead and the demands that come with it.

event website

In the competitive environment of events, it is important to have a suitable event website where competitors can view all the info and details of your race. It also assists them in gathering all the event information in one place instead of having to scroll through messaging systems or searching on Facebook. Improve your event image with a dedicated event website.
race numbers
Providing race numbers to your competitors is a vital part of the race organization. It allows for timing and organization to correctly identify competitors and the classes that they will be competing in. It also serves as a great memento for competitors who have competed and successfully completed your race. Let us design, print and supply your race numbers for you.

race clocks

Having a race clock at your event is a huge add-on to any event. It improves the image and standard of the event. It allows the competitors to see their time when they cross the finish line, and allows spectators to be aware of how long the race has been going. Renting an event clock is part of our services when we do the timing at your event. Make use of us to provide your event clock.
live tracking
With the fast pace of of our lives today people want immediate access to information. Live tracking allows spectators to follow and view the performance of their relatives and friends. It allows then to plan for viewing points and approximate time at these viewing points, as well as allows spectators at the finish line to follow the race as it unfolds. Make use of live tracking during your next event.

video recording